Please fill out the following fields below and press the submit:
Your Name:

What is the first page you go to when you logon on the internet

What type of information are you searching for on the internet?

Do you get a lot of Spam (junk mail) that you don't want in your email?
Yes all the time  just a little  NO

If you are going to search for something on the internet what Search engine do you use?
Google  MSN Aol Search  Other

If you have children under 18,  do they use the internet and what for?
check all that apply

Homework Research Chat  Instant messaging  Other


Do you play online games? if so what kind  Card Games  Other

Comments, questions or suggestions are welcome in the box below:

Thank you for your participation. Your comments and suggestions are very important!                
*All information collected from this survey is confidential and will not be shared or published in any form.

Dan Woodman
Owner: www.508ma.com