Chinese Water Dragon


Bearded Dragons



The Chinese water dragon's range includes eastern Thailand, Indochina and parts of China.

The water dragon is a large lizard that can reach a length of 36 inches. Baby dragons that are only 4 or 5 inches long may be kept in a 10-gallon aquarium, but they will eventually need to be moved to a larger terrarium. Sand is a recommended substrate material, as both male and female water dragons will dig burrows. All cages should have a hide-box area to provide a sense of security for the water dragon. Water dragons are highly arboreal and should have branches within their enclosures. Water dragons are also avid swimmers and need water containers that are large enough for them to immerse themselves and possibly swim in.

This species is carnivorous, but will sometimes accept vegetables. Water dragons may feed on adult mice, large comets (goldfish), day-old quail chicks, earthworms and various insects.

Day temperatures in the water dragon's cage should reach the mid-80s Fahrenheit, dropping to the mid 70s at night. Additional heat (up to the mid-90s Fahrenheit) can be supplied as a focal basking spot.

Family: Agamidae
Origin: Australia
Size: Adult males up to 2 feet in length (including tail)
Diet: Omnivorous: Chopped meat, crickets, pinky mice, earthworms, leafy greens, squash; may want separate feeding tank
Water: Water dish, droplets, misting
Terrarium: 10-15 gallon aquarium for hatchlings; minimum of 55-60 gallon for adults
Substrate: Indoor/outdoor carpet, newspaper
Decoration: Hidebox; provide rocks and branches for climbing and basking
Lighting: Fluorescent full spectrum lighting with UVB
Temperatures: 78-88°F; basking area of 95-100°F; night time temperatures in the 70's
Compatibility: Typically social; bearded dragons of similar size can be housed together, but should be monitored; appear to enjoy interaction with humans
Sexing: Males have larger heads, darker beards, and enlarged femoral pores
Life Expectancy: 10 years

The bearded dragon, can be found over a huge area in Australia, ranging from the great deserts of the interior to the woodlands of the eastern coast.

Young hatchlings can be housed in a 10-gallon aquarium fitted with a screen cover and a 30- to 50-watt spotlight over a basking area at one end of the cage. Arrange rocks and branches to provide several basking levels. Full-spectrum fluorescent lamps that emit both ultraviolet A and B wavelengths should be suspended over the cage. Perches should be set up so they can bask within 12 inches of these lights. The cage substrate can be washed children's play sand, aquarium sand or newspaper.

Young hatchlings should be sprayed with water every day. They should be fed insects every day to achieve optimal growth. Nontoxic plant leaves and vegetation should also be provided as they are a main source of hydration for the bearded dragon. As bearded dragons grow they can take larger food items and more vegetable matter in their diet. Calcium supplements should be provided for good bone growth.

Leopard Geckos


They can live more than 30 years

LINKS Leopard geckos are increasing in popularity and are probably the most widely kept reptile pet next to the green iguana. Serious breeders have developed striped, high-yellow, "jungle," "ghost" and "leucistic" forms (to name a few) from the original wild-caught imports, which originated in Pakistan and India.

Leopard geckos are easily kept in glass or plastic cages that offer 10 inches by 10 inches of floor space and at least 12 inches of height for each gecko housed. Paper towel, orchid bark or newspaper work well as substrate materials. Water should be provided in a shallow lid or bowl. Leopard geckos will also benefit from a hide box.

Captive leopard geckos are best fed mealworms or crickets. It is important to "power feed" such food items for a day or two to make sure that the gecko gets a nutritious, balanced diet.

The cage should be kept off the floor at a temperature between 82 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, nighttime temperatures can drop as low as 64 degrees with no ill effects. Heat can be provided by heat tapes, hot rocks or a 40-watt light bulb placed on top of the cage's screen top.
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Dragon Info

All Photos by D.Woodman

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